Inyectables – Mitos Comunes

Injectable Myths and Misconceptions

FALSE – Injectables will make you look like you’ve had “work” done.

One frequent concern my patient’s express or causes them to be hesitant about receiving an injectable treatment is the worry that they will look “overdone.” Who can blame them? With injectables being one of the most sought out treatments in the aesthetic industry, we are now seeing more and more individuals with unnatural lip augmentations and hyperinflated cheeks. This is why your consultation with me is key. We will discuss your goals and I will give you my honest, professional insight to what I can realistically achieve for you. I always tell my patients, “If it’s done right, you are just going to look like a more rested you!”

Injectable Myths and Misconceptions

FALSE – One size fits all.

When it comes to both neuromodulator and dermal filler treatments, the amount needed can differ from each individual. When treating with Botox or Dysport, one patient may require 15 units while another may need 25 units to achieve the same result for the same duration.

Dosage or amount of units used with Botox or Dysport varies based on strength of the muscle being treated and how quickly you metabolize the product. This concept is also true when discussing dermal fillers. The amount of dermal fillers needed depends on the individual’s anatomy, tissue quality, degree of volume loss, and/or severity of the wrinkle that requires softening.

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FALSE – One size fits all.

While injectables are a great way to soften facial wrinkles and restore volume loss associated with aging, there are limitations to what can be achieved with injectables. Injectables can potentially delay the need for a facelift or surgical procedure, but sometimes surgical face lift or brow lift may be the best approach.

TRUE – Injectable products are safe.

All the injectable products we offer at Clinique Dallas are FDA approved products. While there are potential risks to any injectable treatment, it is Important you see a well experienced injector who practices safe, effective techniques that will minimize these potential risks. Watch the following video to learn more about the injectables we offer.

If you have any questions about Injectables or if you are ready to schedule your consultation or treatment with our specialists, please contact our office at 972-566-2010 or through our contact form.


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