Where Can You Get Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from various body parts. With millions of people worldwide getting the treatment each year, it is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world. It is generally performed on the body parts where stubborn pockets of fat have accumulated and are often resistant to diet and exercise, such as the stomach or thighs. Liposuction may be a great choice for individuals looking to improve body contours, achieve a slimmer appearance, and enhance self-confidence.

If you are considering getting liposuction, you might be wondering where you can get it and where you can’t. To help you achieve your dream figure, let’s explore which body parts are best suited for liposuction.

where can you get liposuction Where Can You Get Liposuction?

While there are plenty of areas on the body where liposuction can be performed, they are some body parts that just aren’t eligible for this procedure. Below are some of the body parts that may be eligible for liposuction.


The abdomen is one of the most popular areas for liposuction because it is a common area for the accumulation of fat. The stomach area can be difficult to target with exercise, especially for women who’ve experienced pregnancy or in men who may have a “beer belly”. Abdominal liposuction can help you remove stubborn belly fat and give you a more toned and flatter stomach.


Liposuction in the thigh area is typically performed on the inner thighs, outer thighs, and posterior thighs above the knee but below the buttocks. This area tends to store excess fat and is a popular choice for people who want to improve the appearance of their legs and achieve a more streamlined figure.


The arms are another popular area for liposuction. Particularly in women, the upper arms are prone to significant fat deposition. This excess fat in the arms can create a “batwing” appearance, which can be unflattering and difficult to conceal. Liposuction of the arms can help you remove excess fat and tighten the area for a firmer appearance. 


Women frequently get liposuction done on their hips to eliminate extra fat because, for many women, having smooth, shapely hips is crucial to maintaining their desired silhouette. This helps to create a more defined shape and can even help improve the appearance of the buttocks. That said, hip liposuction can also be performed on men whose bodies store more fat in the hip area.

where can you get liposuction Chin and Neck

Liposuction of the chin and neck can help you minimize the appearance of a double chin and define the jawline. This surgery is frequently carried out on people who are otherwise healthy and at their ideal weight but have extra body fat in this area. Liposuction can be performed in tandem with a neck lift to remove excess skin and tissue for sagging neck areas.


Liposuction in the chest area is more common in men than women. It is typically performed on men who have excess fat in their chest area, a condition also known as gynecomastia. The procedure can help remove the fat and improve the contours of the chest, resulting in a more masculine appearance.


Liposuction can be used to remove excess fat from the back and create a more defined and smoother appearance. This procedure is particularly beneficial for people who have excess fat in the upper back and bra line area and is perfect for removing the dreaded “roll around the bra strap.”

Calves and Ankles 

Liposuction can be performed on the calves and ankles to remove excess fat and enhance the overall shape of the legs. This may be especially useful for women who have experienced weight gain in their legs during pregnancy.

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How to Prepare for Liposuction

Before undergoing liposuction, it’s important to prepare for the surgery to ensure the best possible results. Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing for liposuction:

Where Can You Get Liposuction? Consult with a qualified surgeon

When looking for a plastic surgeon, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified surgeon who has plenty of experience performing the desired procedure. A well-qualified surgeon can help you understand the risks and benefits of the surgery and can help you determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. At Clinic Dallas, Dr. John Antonetti has helped hundreds of patients achieve their desired look with liposuction.

Stop Smoking

Smoking can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications. It is important to follow your doctor’s specific instructions for stopping smoking in order to increase the chances of a safe surgical procedure.

Avoid certain medications

Certain medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, can increase the risk of bleeding during and after the surgery. It is important to avoid these medications for several weeks before the surgery, per your doctor’s instructions. You should also inform your surgeon of any and all prescriptions, over-the-counter medicine, and supplements you take so they can advise which medications should be discontinued prior to surgery.


Just like any surgery, liposuction has risks. These risks include bleeding and anesthetic reactions. Other risks of liposuction include:


You may experience temporary or permanent numbness in the treated areas. There may be irritation in the proximal nerves as well. Most patients who report numbness after liposuction report that it is resolved within weeks of the surgery. If you experience persistent numbness after liposuction, you should consult with your plastic surgeon,

Contour irregularities

A combination of uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity, and scarring might cause your skin to appear bumpy, wavy, or withered. These irregularities may even out over time, but some may require additional procedures to resolve.


Although uncommon, skin infections can happen after liposuction. A serious skin infection may require antibiotics and/or topical creams to resolve. If you’ve had liposuction and are experiencing excessive pain, swelling, redness, or pus coming from an incision site, seek medical treatment immediately.

Fat embolism

While rare, it is possible for fragments of fat to separate and get stuck in an artery, or even migrate to the brain or lungs. A fat embolism is a serious medical emergency. If you’re experiencing shortness of breath, racing heart rate, fever, or neurologic changes such as confusion, headache, or seizures after having liposuction, get to an emergency room ASAP.

Achieve Your Ideal Look with Liposuction

Liposuction is a flexible and versatile surgical procedure that can boost your self-esteem and help you feel good about your body. Plus, the results of liposuction can last for many years as long as you are dedicated to a healthy diet and exercise routine. If you’re interested in learning more about liposuction, the experts at Clinique Dallas are here to help. Book a liposuction consultation with us today to learn more about this procedure and whether it’s right for you.


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