When we think of cosmetic surgery, we often think of lifting, cutting, and tucking to make the desired changes. Topics that traditionally come to mind include facelift, breast lift, tummy tuck, or thigh lift. These cosmetic procedures generally depend on the removal of loose skin and possibly excess oil as well. Surgeries that lift the skin are often called lifts, such as the face, chest, arms, buttocks, and even thighs. Surgeries that stretch the skin are called folds that can be performed on the abdomen or lower buttocks for a tummy tuck or tummy tuck. Scars are often hidden in the folds of the skin or behind the ear when it comes to lifting the face.
This month, Prime magazine asked the question: Is a thigh lift worth it? To help investigate this question, we will first consider the ideal candidate for the procedure. Thigh lift surgery is generally performed for people who have increased skin laxity and excess skin on the medial or lateral thighs. Liposuction is often incorporated into the procedure to further improve the results. People considering a thigh lift must have moderate to severe skin laxity to warrant the procedure. Loose skin is removed in the medial crease of the thigh, along the groin, to help hide the scar. For those with severe excess skin, the lift procedure can be extended medially, along the inner thigh,
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Scars after a thigh lift
Thigh lift scars are meant to be hidden in the groin or medially on the thigh but are necessary to remove excess skin. Over time, the scars will fade, but they will always be present. So to determine if a thigh lift is worth the time and expense, it would be necessary to consider whether the scar from the thigh lift is worth it. When you have moderate to severe skin laxity along the medial thigh, a scar is not such a bad alternative. But, if only mild skin laxity is present, you may not necessarily consider a scar as an improvement over sagging skin.