Rosacea – Control The Flare

More than 16 million Americans have rosacea, but most of them don’t know it.”

I know having to cover up the redness on a daily basis can be quite frustrating and weigh heavy on your self-esteem, but there is hope. The month of April is designated as Rosacea Awareness Month. So let’s talk REDNESS!

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic, but yet treatable skin condition that affects 16 million Americans according to National Rosacea Society(NRS). Rosacea primarily affects the central face, and is often characterized by flare-ups of flushing or redness on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead that come and go.

Rosacea - Control the flare - Clinique Dallas Plastic Surgery

What causes Rosacea?

Although the exact cause of rosacea is unknown, there is said to be a genetic predisposition. The immune system, nervous system, facial blood vessels, the presence of microbes and Demodex mites, and environmental factors are considered to be possible causes. Experts have identified triggers that aggravate the condition, increasing the blood flow to the surface of the skin. For example extreme hot and cold temperature, alcohol consumption mainly red wine, spicy foods, caffeine or hot drinks, aerobic exercise, emotional stress or anxiety all contribute to the symptoms of rosacea. By not avoiding these common triggers will lead to continued flare-ups and may worsen the condition. You can identify your common triggers by creating a diary of your flare-ups. Include what you ate or what you were doing prior to the flare-up. I also recommend add how long the flare-up lasted. This will be very beneficial when planning social events in the future.

Facial Redness is the main symptom of rosacea | El enrojecimiento facial es el principal síntoma de la rosácea

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Managing my rosacea with treatment

Skincare and light-therapy is often the most common recommendation for rosacea patients and is aimed at reducing the redness. In some cases a dermatologist may prescribe an oral and topical antibiotic medications for their anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness.

Here at Clinique Dallas we have found a combination of rosacea friendly skincare and BBL light therapy treatments during and between flare-ups in conjunction with avoiding the common triggers yields the best results in managing rosacea.

If you’re not familiar with BBL( Broad Band Light), light therapy is it uses pulses of light to remove visible blood vessels and reduce excess redness. BBL treatments can improve the appearance of the skin during and between flare-ups, and also reduce the frequency of flare-ups. Most patients notice a visible difference in persistent facial redness and blood vessels after a series of treatments. Although BBL treatment improves the appearance of the skin it is not a cure for rosacea. Due to the chronic nature of the condition long term therapy is required. Some patients may need to pre-treat the skin with lightening agents to avoid risks of hyper-pigmentation prior to treatment which will be assessed during your consultation. Contact our office at 972-566-2010 and request your virtual consultation with our skin specialists today!


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