Epilation options to reduce unwanted hair are many: shaving , (obviously), waxing , threading (threads), electrolysis , cream depilatories and tweezing. Some of these treatments have been used since the days of Cleopatra and with little advancement in the 21st century. With the exception of shaving, all of these treatments have a couple of things in common: they need to be repeated once a month, every month … for most of your life! Well, at least even your hair stops growing because of old age. Also, all (except creams) are painful. Choosing between shaving the ingrown hairs in those “special areas” or pulling the hair out at the root with waxes, threads or tweezers, is like choosing your own form of torture.

The waxes and depilatory yarns have some loyal followers. Maybe some people like torture! With these forms of hair removal, a small amount of skin is also removed along with the hair. This increases the risk of hyper pigmentation or darkening of the skin in the treated area, due to repeated treatments over a period of time. This is especially true with darker skin types.
Now if your hair is very light, waxing and threading are your only options, unless you choose electrolysis. Electrolysis was invented in 1875 by an ophthalmologist to treat ingrown eyelashes.
The electrolysis is largely obsolete because it treats one follicle at a time with an electric current, is extremely slow and painful, and has a greater risk of scarring. That explains why few people choose electrolysis! However, it is the only permanent treatment for gray, white or very blonde hair. It can also be used to remove hair between tattoo designs. Cream depilatories have never been very popular because they are very dirty, smelly and generally ineffective.
And then we have the most effective and most popular hair removal methods of all: lasers! Although hair removal methods have been around for centuries, lasers have completely redefined the practice and transformed hair removal for millions of men and women around the world.
In 1960 the first fully functional laser was created: the “Ruby” laser, which pulsed every few seconds. This was the beginning of laser hair removal technology, which advanced rapidly.
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The laser hair removal was probably the product of an experiment. In the mid-1970s, the development of the “Alexandrite” laser made light-based hair removal a commercial possibility. The “Alexandrite” laser was much safer, but because it did not heat the follicles enough, it was not very effective.
Fue en la década de los 80’s, cuando eliminar lunares y manchas en la piel con láser se hizo posible, que se hizo notorio que esas mismas areas tratadas presentaban también una disminución de vello. Estos láseres fueron los primeros que afectaban directamente la melanina de la piel, pero eran muy potentes y provocaban quemaduras en la piel oscura.

Luego, el desarrollo del láser de formación de diodos hizo que la depilación láser fuera una opción para las personas de todo tipo de piel.
Los investigadores han estado haciendo mejoras de manera continua a estos primeros modelos de depilación láser. Hoy en día existen diferentes tipos de láseres en el mercado. El láser -por excelencia- para piel oscura es el láser YAG, que es seguro incluso para pieles mucho muy oscuras. La compañía Sciton, ha perfeccionado la depilación para pieles más clara con su sistema de pulsación de Luz de Banda Ancha (Broad Band Light o BBL) o el sistema BBL Forever Bare. Dicho aparato posee también tienen el láser YAG, por lo que cualquier tipo de piel puede tratarse fácilmente en cualquier momento.
¿Eres todavía una de esas personas que gasta toneladas de dinero en productos para afeitar y horas en afeitarse? Ahora que sabes que la depilación láser puede ser una buena opción para ti, ¿qué estás esperando? Busca siempre un proveedor acreditado de depilación láser. ¡Llámalos y pregunta por los tipos láser que poseen y sobre la persona encargada del procedimiento, y programe una cita una vez que estés bien informada! ¡Tan fácil como eso, la vida se hizo un poco más fácil!