Sciton Forever BARE – Laser Hair Reduction
Ladies, are you ready to show some skin this summer? Are you looking forward to wearing shorts and tank tops and even that perfect new bikini you searched everywhere to find? Then why spoil the look with razor bumps in all the wrong places? Shaving is such a chore! Why suffer from repeated painful waxing “down there”? You know what I’m talking about!
Well, you no longer have to choose between shaving and waxing to get rid of unwanted hair. Maybe you have secretly longed for laser hair reduction but just didn’t know where to turn or who to trust. At Clinique Dallas, we can make your smooth skin fantasies come true with our Sciton Forever Bare Laser Hair Reduction system. With 6-8 treatments one month apart, you can have smooth, silky skin and the plucked chicken look gone. With our Sciton Joule, state of the art laser system, we can remove hair safely on any color skin. Plus, we have the YAG laser-the only laser that can be used on very dark skin.
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Gents, laser hair reduction is the ideal way to stay smooth for your ladies! Get rid of your gorilla back, cave man beard and the not so sexy rug on your chest. Those looked great in 1972, but these days the Neanderthal look only attracts flies. Are you terrified of experiencing the waxing scene by Steve Carell in “The 30 Year Old Virgin”, in order to remove your unwanted hair? (That is scary!) Well, kiss goodbye the hassle of shaving and fear of waxing. Using a gentle and effective system to heat hair follicles, the Forever Bare treatment is only mildly uncomfortable. We offer a unique cooling system to increase the comfort of the treatment which can be done in a matter of minutes, without any downtime!
The result is hair removal that’s the most comfortable, safest and fastest hair removal on the market. Say bye-bye to ingrowns, bumps, razor burn and cuts from shaving. Consider your time spent shaving every day, plus the endless cost of the razors and creams, and laser hair reduction is a no-brainer.

Call Clinique Dallas to schedule an affordable, amazing laser hair reduction experience.
Our staff has years of experience with hair removal of all skin types. Early morning and lunch time appointments are available for your convenience.