BBL con SkinTyte

BBL with SkinTyte – The next level of Light Treatments has arrived!

If you thought BBL facial treatments couldn’t get any better well guess what.. they just did!

Introducing the new revolutionary BBL treatment with SKINTYTE!

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, Sciton’s BBL facial has taken this treatment to the next level. By incorporating SkinTyte into the treatment, this incredible treatment is simply phenomenal. This treatment is not only anti-aging, but it also targets pigmentation, dark spots, age spots, acne, vascularity, such as broken capillaries and rosacea, and is now targeting the skin laxity! This is a winning combination of anti-aging light therapy with the firming effects of SkinTyte.

What is the BBL Treatment?

BBL ( Forever Young BBL by Sciton ) treatment performed every 3 months will stop the skin aging process and even reverse it by actually changing the expression of genes associated with aging and longevity. Forever Young BBL treatment sends light energy to your skin to increase your body’s ability to fight aging, resulting in visibly younger skin year after year for as long as you continue to receive treatments.

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But, what is SkinTyte and why is that an important addition to the BBL Treatment?

SkinTyte uses advanced infrared light to deeply heat your skin while cooling and protecting the entire treated surface. Light energy is delivered in quick, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process, leading to the appearance of increased skin firmness.

Implementing BBL with SkinTyte once a month or quarterly will give your skin the clarity and firmness you’ve always wanted, revealing a more youthful appearance.

BBL with SkinTyte - Clinique Dallas Plastic Surgery
BBL with SkinTyte - Clinique Dallas Plastic Surgery
BBL with SkinTyte - Clinique Dallas Plastic Surgery

Incredible true? We know this and that is why we are so excited to offer this treatment to our patients. Contact our office at 972-566-2010 or use the contact form to schedule your free consultation today!


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