A breast augmentation may not be a major surgery, but it is one that requires significant healing. Great doctors and medication can go a long way toward a healthy recovery, but preparation is the key to making your recovery the best it can be. Don’t rely on medication alone—make sure to follow these steps for recovery.
Prepare a Recovery Space
Whether your most relaxing space is your bedroom or the living room, you definitely want a space set up specifically for your recovery. Have snacks or prepared meals at the ready, keep plenty of water and fluids nearby, and make sure to gather plenty of the best pillows and blankets. Of course, you will also need all your favorite movies and shows queued up and a few good books to read or games to play
Set Your House up for Success
Whether it’s just you or you have family in your home, be proactive in getting your house in order. Throw out any old food, make sure the dishes are done, and take care of any trash. After your procedure is finished and you are resting at home, make sure you arrange for someone to help you with household chores during your recovery.
Have Your Medication Ready
Be sure you get your prescriptions filled before your surgery. Most plastic surgeons will send your prescriptions to your pharmacy before your procedure, so you can ensure you have them at home for your recovery and don’t have to go without pain medication for a prolonged period of time.
Have a Support System
Any doctor will tell you that surgery is best paired with support. Having someone by your side—family, friends, or a significant other—can make a world of difference in your recovery. Surgery can be taxing on your body, but it can also take a toll on your mental health. Having someone you trust to take care of the little things, or at the very least, keep you company while you heal, is truly the best medicine.
Purchase the Right Clothing
There are two things you’ll want to buy when it comes to clothing: loose-fitting clothes and a compression bra. Compression bras can not only improve blood flow, but they also offer enhanced support so that your incisions aren’t undergoing unnecessary stress. Your surgeon may recommend a specific compression bra, or you can find them easily online. Reviewers said this bra was perfect for them post-surgery and didn’t irritate their incisions. You should consider purchasing two bras in case one needs to be washed. As far as clothing goes, opt for something loose and made of breathable cotton. Just be careful to steer clear of anything that will irritate your skin.
Proper Wound Care
The general advice for post-surgery care is to keep wounds dry for at least a week after surgery. Pay close attention to your surgeon’s specific advice for your wound care, and make sure to write care instructions down to help you or your caretaker with post-surgery care. Be aware that you may experience bruising, swelling, or even tingling, and make sure to speak to your doctor if any of these seem excessive.
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Have the Right Foods Prepared
Your doctor may have some recommendations for your diet after the procedure. If they don’t, it’s recommended after surgery to stick to lighter foods that are easy to digest. Fruits, simple starches, and soups can go a long way toward helping you feel better. Many people recommend beans and raw vegetables as well, but don’t eat anything that doesn’t agree with your body. Listening to your body is a critical part of your recovery.
Stay Hydrated
Hydration is critical to any recovery. Our bodies are comprised of a significant amount of water, so it’s no surprise that we need it for critical functions and healing. Water helps stave off infection and wash toxins out of your body. Liquid I.V. or some type of water additive may help those who don’t have a particular affinity for plain water. A well-insulated cup will help keep your drinks cold or hot, and the built-in straw will help prevent spillage when it may hurt too much to sit up all the way to take a drink.
Don’t Over Exert Yourself
It’s important that, after your breast augmentation, you limit your activity for the first couple of days. Walking around the house every hour or so is actually recommended immediately after surgery to promote blood circulation and healing. That said, avoid lifting anything heavy, and limit the number of times you lift your arms over your head. In general, you will need to wait at least two weeks after your surgery to get back to your regularly scheduled workout routine. Your doctor will give you detailed instructions regarding how much activity you can handle in the days following your procedure.
Post-Op Exercises
While you want to limit your activity while you heal, that doesn’t mean you should be sitting around all day. Workouts will need to be modified to prevent any undue strain on your chest and should remain this way for about six weeks post-op or until your doctor clears you. Exercises like these may be able to help you recover and regain some of your range of motion. Your surgeon will be able to give you helpful recommendations as well, and you should always consult with them before engaging in any kind of post-op activity.
Get Some Rest
Your body will need a lot more rest than you think to perform all of its healing duties. As long as you take steps to get up and move around every so often, that is all you will need to push yourself to do. Make sure your job, family, and other responsibilities can respect your boundaries and need for rest while healing.
Keep Your Head Up
Again, recovering from surgery can be taxing on your mind and your body alike. Remember not to be hard on yourself if you feel like you are not recovering as you should. Every person’s body is different, so don’t compare yourself to others’ experiences. Listen to your body’s cues. If you feel you need more sleep, then give your body more sleep. If you feel like something isn’t right, then please reach out to your medical care team.
If you are considering a breast lift, breast reduction, or breast augmentation, feel free to reach out to our experienced team of medical professionals. Contact us with any questions, or schedule a virtual consultation to learn more.